About The Blog

Started on the 17th of June 2011!

Unsung Byul?
There’s a lot of talent in the music industry, there’s a lot of talent that goes under appreciated by the majority of people. The title of this blog comes from that idea. Unsung means something is unrecognised, overlooked and so on. Byul or 별 is Korean for “star”. Put the two together and you get “unrecognised star”, a star that hasn’t been given its time to shine.

Our main focus is to share these artists with you, whether it is giving you details of them, updating you with news about them, reviewing the music they release and perhaps just throwing out our own opinion of them when we get the chance. Jasmine reviews albums and singles every so often and is more than happy to take any requests for reviews of artists as she is always looking to find new artists to listen to and love!

There will be a mix of genres and languages written about in this blog. So hopefully it can advantage those who listen to artists from a number of different countries and of different genres and of course, may open up a whole other language or genre to you. Since the two writers listen to a large variety of music between them, hopefully the blog will be fairly diverse. We also listen to “popular” artists, so bear in mind some of them will appear every so often as well.

All Korean artist information and profiles are found from Daum music, the official fancafe of the artists mentioned or their official websites. From time to time, there is a lack of information on Daum so in these cases, the information is from Nate or Naver, extra information is usually found from looking through their cyworld if they have one.  Everything is translated and written up by ourselves and we’d appreciate credit if you do take the information out, simply putting “credits: unsungbyul@wordpress” is usually more than enough.

We hope you enjoy the blog and feedback is more than welcome!

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